Miss Cook & Co

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Woke. Wild. Warm. Wise. Wondrous. Wealthy. Woman.

Just a woman marvelling at the wonder of the world with a bunch of beautiful people by my side wanting to make a difference in the world around me in whatever way feels good for me on the day.

This website is a home created by me, for me. A place to put my musings, my ideas, my wildest dreams and my inspiration into one place. I’m not selling anything, and you’re not buying anything, I’m just here creating to satisfy the longings in my soul.

If you feel called to come and have a wander around the halls of my heart and mind, welcome. Stay a while if you want to, or just take what you need and be on your way. Either way, if you want to know more about something you see here, or whether you just want to share your views on life, come and find me if you feel called.

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&Co Community

Community is life.  Community is love. Community is everything.  

This is where Miss Cook & Co stops being about me, and becomes all about you.  "&Co" is the space where we create our own little MCCO world, a world where you can connect with others like you, pareticipate in group chats and forums, where you can explore the world around you and most importantly you can be supported in making your dreams come to life. The Miss Cook & Co community is made up of extraordinary humans from all around the world, men, women, gay, straight, trans, different races and faces from all different places.  Come on in and check it out.