For the Man With a Plan #2: What Men Crave

Welcome or welcome back you magnificent men (and curious ladies)...thanks for coming to your very own section of Miss Cook & Co: For The Man With a Plan!  

I am so excited to be able to bring to you some of the things that may just give you sparks of inspiration for your relationships with women, to bring to you some of the pleasure we all want to get our grubby little paws on.  

So, this is my NUMBER ONE.  I wanted to give you my favourite video first.  The one thing that if I could have all my men (friends, lovers, partners and even my Dad) watch, for you, for us, for humanity in general, this would be IT.  Please watch this incredible video about What Men Crave.  Please. 

What men want, crave and seek from women from a very masculine, but also conscious AF, man (who every woman I know is growling to get her hands on).  Clear, concise and brutally honest.  No holds barred.   

For you see, gentlemen, this is the point, what you crave, what you want so badly, what you want to tell us most but maybe don't know how, is the very thing that we desperately want to hear you say...right before we claw the clothes right off you for having the courage to say it. 

You want a woman to worship you?  Tell her what you crave.  I am telling you this for free: this is the sexiest thing I have ever seen.  Probably because sadly I have never seen this in person.  

If you do one thing for yourself today you incredible man, please let this be it. 

With so much love I give you: John Wineland and What Men Crave.   

Wow.  Right? 

I want to know what you think.  I want to know everything you are thinking/feeling/sensing. How does this feel for you men to hear a man articulate your needs/desires in this way?  Does this resonate with you?  Does it ring true? Please add anything that you would like us to know, you can tell me by email, DM on Insta or FB.  I will post it, I promise (provided it's not some slick dick monosyllabic diatribe like "anal"). 

We are listening. 

We are sitting and listening, because something has to change, and the finger-pointing, blame and shaming has to stop at some point. 

That video is one of the most deeply profound things I have ever heard, it was something that was so resoundingly truthful, and incredibly sensual hearing a man talk that way, that it actually brought me to stillness.   This is rare.  I felt my body go off so deeply after watching this for the first time.   It blew my mind, my soul and honestly blew out my womb space, also very fucking rare.   It ignited something inside that was cataclysmic.  This boys, make women react to men in ways I have zero words for.  

I want THAT.  So much of THAT. I want that for ME, and I want it for YOU. 

It brought out a previously hidden desire in me for the deepest of deep deep connection with men.   It sparked something immense and universal.  It was inspiring in a way that was so incredibly resonant and moving.  Know that this kind of discussion for a EVERYTHING.  Come at me/us with all of this.  

Things that stood out for me as a woman: 

1.  Slow Down: slow down how you speak, how you move.  Slow.the.fuck.down.ladies. I am doing this right now with the men in my life, with incredible results.   

2. Separating Tools to Succeed in Business from Tools  To Succeed in a Relationship: fuck me, this hit me like a freight train.  I have done this, oh how I have done this. 

3. Find Someway to Continually Surrender to Your Man: words fail me as to how deeply I felt this, but just YES.  YES.  

4. Don't Settle For Our Bullshit.  Yes, I get this.  But also know what actual bullshit is ladies. 

5.  Catnip for Men is to Trust Him So Much That You Will Follow Him Anywhere.   Whoa.  Challenging for sure, but the ultimate goal. 

6. Men Are Dying to Love You Well.  A-fucking-men. 

7.  Rinse, Repeat ;-)

Most importantly, that video made me stop, drop, and realise how I have not at all been serving the men in my life in relationships. 

For that I am sorry.  Truly.  I feel I could have served the men in my life better by honouring some of these things, if I had known.  I didn't know.  But now I do. 

But what this video is about is YOU. Seeing YOU.  Feeling YOU.  Understanding YOU.  Giving you the space to tell us these things, share this with us. 

Guys know this, there are so many of us ladies willing to go with you into these vulnerable spaces, we will follow you into the shadows because we know it's worth it, we will yield, we will surrender, we will melt with you and into you, but you gotta meet us halfway.   You gotta show up in your soft spaces and we will meet you there.  Trust us and we will trust you.  Trust us and we will be there, waiting for you.  

Let's talk about what women need another time, because it's really important to me and my tribe, that you gentlemen know, that we are listening to you.  We are waiting.  We are ready to go there.  With you.  Side by side.  Ride or die.  All the way. 

Side note: John Wineland is doing incredible work with men, for men.  Check out his website:

All my love. 
